Archive for the ‘Style void mummy’ Category

Maternity dressing

August 3, 2012

I’ve now passed 11 weeks pregnant and am eagerly awaiting my scan. I’m keen to tell people about the pregnancy and still haven’t even been sent my scan date yet…

One reason I’m keen to tell people is because my bump is starting to show. This is hard to gauge as I think I’ve looked about four months pregnant since giving birth to Bub. But my tummy does look a bit more bump like and I know in some outfits I do look pregnant. One guy even offered me a seat on the train (but maybe he was just being nice.)

My weight hasn’t begun to increase yet so I can still fit in all my clothes. But I’m sure it’s only a matter of weeks before I can’t get my trousers done up and my dresses are too tight in the tummy.

So I’m starting to think about maternity wear.

I still have all my maternity clothes from before. I haven’t yet felt bothered to try them on but I’m hoping they still fit me. I am heavier than I was when I had Bub so it’ll be annoying if they don’t.

However my tastes have changed quite a bit in the last few years. I used to wear trousers and tops all the time. Now I prefer dresses and wear a dress, either alone or with leggings or jeans, most of the time. This means I have begun to browse the web for nice maternity dresses to supplement my pregnancy wardrobe.

What do you think about these ones which have caught my eye?




Any good tips for where I should be looking for nice maternity dresses?

Style void mummy belt challenge – summary

January 4, 2011

This is a look back over my seven day belt challenge. Could I wear a belt every day for a week over the Christmas period.

Firstly, a confession, I miscalculated. There are actually eight days inclusive between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. So I awarded myself a day off in the middle of the week. But to be honest by then I needed a bit of a break. Too many busy days and a baby who wasn’t that well meant I opted out of the challenge one day. But it did mean I could include all the important days so I think this is ok.

So here’s a round up of the pictures:

Day 1 - casual day

Day 2 - Christmas day

Day 3 - travelling and visiting family

Day 4 - visiting family

Day 5 - casual day

Day 6 - busy party hostess

Day 7 - New Year's Eve party

So what have I learnt?

Firstly that it’s very difficult to get good outfit photos. Taken indoors they are invariably too dark to show off the clothes. It’s even harder if you are trying to take the photo yourself (though the stretch required does lead to a more slimming photo!) It is also a real challenge to get the photos taken, uploaded and do a blog post each and every day, especially at busy times.

Secondly that I can wear a belt and have it look good. I can also wear a belt and have it look pretty meh. I’m definitely most comfortable with the empire-line belting, which is my preferred dress style anyway. I have a very short waist (and sadly no long legs to compensate – it’s all in my mega long rise…) Therefore stuff on the empire line isn’t that far off my natural waist anyway and disguises my short waist (and mummy tummy!)I used to wear lots of long tops with belts on my hips but now I’m a few pounds heavier I’m not so comfortable with this look as my hips are my biggest point. So I much prefer the higher belts, a new departure for me. I also like the wider, statement belts, which really helped to make my more dressy outfits. I think wide belts are supposed to be a no-no on a short waisted person but again the empire line move helps carry these I think. I’m also quite a convert to the belted cardigan now, which I think is a really good way to add a bit of style to a casual outfit. If you want some useful belt tips, these are fab. And here is a great blog post I found for those ‘blessed’ with a long rise.

Thirdly I’ve realised how much difference a few minutes thought makes. This challenge has made me consider my choice of clothes much more carefully than usual. I’ve tended to put my outfits together the night before and get everything out of the wardrobe ready. Much better than trying to do it in the morning with a baby round my ankles. It has only taken a few minutes but that little bit of time and effort has really made the difference. Belts or not I’m definitely going to try to do this every night from now on.

So there we have it. I’ve successfully completed my challenge and am looking back on a week where I put in a little more effort and got a lot back. I’m not going to be wearing a belt every day from now on but hopefully they’ll become a staple and frequently used part of my wardrobe. I’m also going to continue the night before outfit planning. But I’m not about to relaunch this blog as a style report or do any more challenges – it’s far too onerous and a little intrusive. But knowing the outfits would go online did help sharpen my focus so perhaps I will put the odd one up here just for fun.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this slightly different departure on this blog. Normal service (complaints about sleep and the lack of it, mainly) will resume soon.

Style void mummy belt challenge – day 7

January 2, 2011

Day seven of my belt challenge: can I wear a belt every day for a week over this Christmas period. The final day of my challenge – New Year’s Eve.

Went for the double today – a belt for a daytime and then an evening look. Here we are:



I’m wearing a snakeskin patterned belt (get my adventurousness!) with blue jeans and black boots. In the daytime look I’m wearing a green woollen jumper from George at Asda. In the evening I’m wearing a dress from Next. Again I was tempted to leave off the belt as I felt it looked good enough without but I’m glad that I used it after all as I think it makes for a much stronger look.

Well, that’s the end of my belt challenge. Will be doing a post about how it’s gone pretty soon. May have been the most boring set of blog posts in the world but I have enjoyed it 🙂

Style void mummy belt challenge – day 6

January 1, 2011

Day six of my belt challenge: can I wear a belt every day for a week over this Christmas period.

At some point before the Christmas rush started I thought it’d be a good idea to host a Christmas party. Lots of babies, parents, friends and relatives all crammed into our place catching up and having fun. And it was great fun. But it was also soo hectic I didn’t even get a chance to take a picture of my (belted) outfit. But never fear I’ve now recreated the look for your viewing pleasure.

My dress is a grey gypsy style dress from Next, with black leggings and suede boots from Evans. My belt is a medium plaited black one. I had decided on the frock before the belt challenge began and I don’t think it really lends itself to belting. So the belt is a bit hidden and not a particularly big feature of the outfit. But hey ho, I thought the look worked with or without the belt.

Style void mummy belt challenge – day 5

December 29, 2010

Day five of my belt challenge. Can I wear a belt every day for a week over this christmas period.

Today was the first day when I didn’t think my belt enhanced my outfit. I am staying with relatives and packed all my clothes in a hurry and didn’t really plan this outfit terribly well. I think the dress is quite nice (a purple Ebay purchase from Wallis) but it doesn’t really lend itself to belting, either on the empire line or round the waist. Or perhaps the belt was the wrong choice – a thin dark brown plastic plaited one. What do you think?

With belt

Without belt

Style void mummy belt challenge – day 4

December 27, 2010

Day four of my belt challenge. Can I wear a belt every day for a week over
this christmas period.

Gradually catching back up with myself. Gosh this daily blogging is tough at a busy time. Especially when all you have to blog with is a mobile phone and an iPod.

A relaxing day today at relatives so I’m still in my casual grey jeans, paired with a dusky pink vest top with ruffled detail and a brown belted cardigan. My vest is from Primark and cardigan is from H&M. Jeans are from Sainsburys. My belt is a thin dark brown plastic one from another unknown source. I’m also sporting some fluffy extra warm socks in a natty green colour, which you sadly can’t see, but trust me they are trully outfit enhancing!!

Only downside of this outfit is that my belt has no clasp to hold in the end of the belt. So it keeps flapping around everywhere. Note to self – pack a small elastic band or two when going belt wearing, just in case!

Style void mummy belt challenge: days 2 &3

December 27, 2010

Days two and three of my belt challenge. Can I wear a belt every day for a week over this christmas period. Of course what I didn’t account for is just how busy it is at this time. I’ve very little time for anything let alone posting a blog up. Not to mention that we are currently staying with relatives so I’m having to upload using an iPod!! That’s why my pictures are the wrong way up – afraid I don’t know how to change it. So far, so unprofessional!

Anyway, here are my pictures from Christmas day (day 2) and Boxing day (day 3).

Day 2: Floral empire line dress from Next, gold plastic belt one I’ve had for yonks (very festive!), black leggings from Evans.

Day 3: Pale blue jumper from George at Asda, grey jeans from Sainsburys, thin brown leather plaited belt of unknown provenance.

I was pleased with my choices for Christmas day. My dress was pretty and comfy and hid any baby related stains and mess. The belt really brightened it up and was really festive. My Boxing day choice was more practical as we were travelling and I’d not had a great deal of time to plan it. Was a double-belt day as I also needed one for my jeans. But still I think it worked ok.

Style void mummy belt challenge : day 1

December 24, 2010

First day of my belt challenge: can I wear a belt every day for a week over this christmas period. The aim is for me to get over my self-consciousness around wearing a belt and also perhaps look a little sharper as I put a bit more effort into my appearance. Plus see if this kind of blogging is interesting to read (and do) or whether it very rapidly becomes a big hassle.

Anyway, today is day one and also christmas eve. My mission for the day was to get my hair cut and coloured, something I do far too infrequently (and it shows.) I also had to navigate through the cold and snow and try not to slip over. Both were achieved successfully, I think.

Here I am wearing a grey empire line viscose dress from Next, a grey long sleeve top, black tights and black boots from Evans (I have big calves, that shop is my salvation!) And of course a belt, which I’ve had for years, and is worn on the empire line. Apart from thinking I look about six months pregnant (damn that baby weight) I’m quite pleased with this outfit.

Style void mummy: Belt up!

December 21, 2010
Even Santa wears a belt

Even Santa wears a belt

I was finally unpacking the last of my wardrobe the other day (yes, I know I moved two months ago, what of it??) It made me realise just how many belts I own and actually how nice many of them are. I never wear a belt, except a hidden ‘hold my trousers up’ one, despite owning many. I always feel very self-conscious in them, feeling they never stay put and always gape or dig or hang wrongly.

But belts are a really crucial part of an outfit and can turn a ramshackle collection of clothes into a proper look. I visit a few real-life style blogs (see here and here) and they almost always have a belt (not to mention many other accessories.) I’m sure that if I could get over my self-consciousness I’d soon learn to love belts and wear them often.

Sooo, in the spirit of the interweb and the multiple different style challenges (like this) that proliferate I’m going to set myself a task. A belt challenge. Can I commit to wearing a belt every day for a week, just to see how it goes? Sounds a bit too easy I imagine but to me it’s pretty daunting. I think it’ll really help me to step my daytime wear up from ‘thrown together’ to ‘together’ as well as give me new ideas without having to spend any money (always a good thing.)

So here are my just been invented rules:

  1. Wear a belt as part of your daytime outfit for seven days
  2. Incorporate a new belt every day, no repeats
  3. Belt must be at least semi-visible
  4. Take a photo and if feeling brave share it online
  5. Count up how many (if any) compliments my new belted looks receive

My main decision now is when to do this. If I were feeling brave I’d do it on my first week back at work. But that really is scary. My alternative is to do it over the christmas/new year period which is much less daunting and also a more showy, dressy time.

So then, that’s it agreed. I’ll start my challenge on the 24th December and run through to the 31st. This is going to include at least two parties (get me!) as well as Christmas day so no excuse for not taking time with my appearance on these days. I’ll let you know how I get on.

Style void mummy

December 17, 2010

The effort and interest I put into my appearance runs pretty much opposite to how much I weigh. The fatter I feel the less care and attention I put into the other aspects of how I look. When I feel slimmer I feel inspired to think about nice outfits, put together a look and have an interest in fashion. And when I am heavier I just zone out from this, try not to think about it, and live in jeans and a top. This is a pattern I’ve been locked into ever since I was a teenager. In my twenties I lost quite a bit of weight and got really into clothes and fashion – for a while my career goal was to be a stylist. But then the weight came back and I lost interest and my passion for fashion disappeared. My weight has yoyo’d quite a bit in the last ten years, from a size 12 to 20, and my interest in my appearance has done exactly the same.

I’m not quite at my heaviest right now but not far off, thanks to putting on over four stone whilst pregnant. I’m struggling to shift it and and am about two stone heavier than I was before I got pregnant. None of my old clothes fit me and aren’t likely to any time soon. For a few months I’ve been living in a small range of jeans and cheap t-shirts I bought after Bub was born. However I have resolved that this HAS TO STOP!!

I really want to break out of my habit of only caring about my style when I feel slim. This has to be the most counter-productive approach ever. When I’m slimmer I probably need to make little effort to look good. It’s when I’m larger that I need to put more time and thought into things. But clearly that’s not how I’m programmed to respond.

So whilst I am trying to get slim I’m also trying to take a lot more interest and care with my appearance. This isn’t easy with a young baby, not to mention a tiny selection of cheap clothes. Blogging has been really helpful with this, in fact it was reading a blog (Lottie Loves) that helped me realise how I let my size dictate my whole approach to my appearance. I’m going to have to get some new clothes for when I return to work in January so I’m going to try to use this as an opportunity to find my former fashionable self and try to become a bit less of a style void.

I’d love to find some more blogs to help guide me on my journey to becoming a yummy mummy. Anyone recommend some good ones?